We live in a world where everyone has a desire to succeed,but those who succeed are the most determined.We can simply get a conclusion from this that we must be the most determined if we want to succeed.But how can we be the most determined?Of course by giving up from giving up.You got confused??But don’t worry!Dealing with giving up problem is much more easy than understanding this sentence.Here are my five tips.
1-)Do not take action before detailed thinking!
The first step to dealing with giving up is being sure about what you really want to do.Some desires in life can be temporary and quickly forgetten.But you have to find your real life goals that you cannot spend the rest of your day without thinking about.After being sure about your life goal you have to imagine obstacles you will face and make plan b.The path we walk on lock around our feet when we are unsure.But if you do plan b you will feel confident when situation gets harder.
2-)Be aware of when you are giving up!
There is two kind of people.First gives up when they get tired and situation gets harder.This is commonly known type of people but other group a little bit sneaky and hard to realize.This group gives up when they accomplish something but not their true goal.Feeling too much confidence and relieving is not good thing either.But if you be aware of your characteristics this consciousness strengthens your will.
3-)Find out that rest is not the the same as giving up!
Body and mind are a whole.When your body gets tired mind starts giving signals of boredom.You have to know that you are human and all human beings get tired.Also rest supplies wider perspectives to problems.At the same time it helps you overcome the physical and psychological fatigue process and helps you return to work more efficiently.
4-)The moment you get closest to giving up is also same moment you get closest to succeeed!
This sentence alone really consist what I want to talk.You will be shocked if you think the times you succeed.Because right before succession there is always hopeless period.We can make this issue more understandable by giving example.Think about long-running athletes,winner is not the one who starts faster but the one who keeps his tempo and who endure more.
5-)Reward yourself and remember your purpose!
Don’t look down to your small achievements on your way to the goal you want to achieve and congrulate yourself.This will make you happier and your hope will increase.Also finding items that will remind you of your purpose will help you along your way.
I want to finish my writing with Gandhi’s quote
“If I have the belief that I can do it I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning “
Thanks for reading my writing.