Psychological Effects Of Siblings' Gender

Hope to share
4 min readSep 22, 2020


Family is the first school we experience life. But these experiences are different from family to family according to family’s gender differences and when it comes to siblings it can affect their social life more than a lot of things. Let’s take a close look to psychological effects of siblings' gender with example families.

1-) A girl and a boy as siblings:

These type of people in a lot of way very lucky. Because they can get on well with two gender easily in their social life. But they sometimes suffer from loneliness because they cannot find someone who shares same emotions with them as close as family. So these people tend to be very sincere with their close friends. They generally have no indispensable behavior. They are moderate in their actions.

2-) A girl and a girl as siblings:

Families which have only girls as a children are the families in which talking and interaction is the most. These people are very successful in jobs which require talking and impressing people. They also feel themselves satisfied when it comes to sharing emotions. But this in another way prevents themselves to understand opposite gender’s emotions. They can be very persistent in their wishes because they always compete with someone who has opposite wish. Having sibling who has same gender with you teach people sharing. Because you can use a lot of thing common.

3-) A boy and a boy as siblings:

Having only boy sibling is actually fun. Because activities can be done together is diverse. Especially doing sports and gaming together makes this people’s life fun. But on the other hand home can be no different than war area! Fighting!! Comparison each other in different fields makes the topic of talking. So they are really good in competing and they probably win. The same disadvantages with who has only girl sibling is valid in here too. They generally find hard to understand opposite gender’s emotions. They express themselves with actions rather than talking because their communication style is doing something rather than talking with their brother.

4-) Two boys and a girl or Two girls and a boy as siblings:

If there is one more from one gender this enhances everybody’s perspective to other gender. But the one who has not same gender with himself or herself can feel himself or herself even more alone. But actually having siblings without any consideration to gender gives power.

5-) Twins:

Being twin maybe the other name of sharing. So we shouldn’t be surprised about their sharing ability. They are really lucky because they come world with their friends. But sometimes they can have issues about their self- development but there is always their twin as a supporter and this makes process easier. Their high empathy level increases their good behaviors.

Finally my purpose while writing is not discriminate genders but share my observations and experiences to correct our weaknesses. All siblings, regardless of gender or age are the biggest supporters of each other’s in life. They are the most beautiful schools where no bad or unnecessary knowledge is learned, albeit with painful experiences from time to time. They are the greatest gift our parents ever gave us.




Hope to share
Hope to share

Written by Hope to share

Even the stars they burn, some even fall to the Earth. We've got a lot to learn. God knows we're worth it. No I won't give up💫💫

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